Sunday, September 12, 2010

Three Reasons Why Your SEO Campaign Was a Disaster

Most websites have joined the SEO bandwagon. Rarely will you find sites which have not been promoted on search engines using SEO techniques. Over the years SEO industry has matured to a great extent. There is greater awareness about SEO. Even the most cutting edge knowledge about SEO which was earlier in the hands of few select people is now in public domain. But even these results have not stemmed the tide of unsuccessful SEO campaigns which have blighted this industry. Though, there are no definite data regarding the success or failure rate of SEO campaigns, through personal experience I have found that there are many SEO companies whose failure rate is almost 100%. Yes, you may know about an excellent SEO Company but as a trend these are far and few in between.

Bigger budgets and greater resources have not reversed the trend and there is no immediate hope in the near future unless there is a dramatic change in how Search Engine Optimization is perceived by both SEO companies and clients. So, what are the reasons, behind the failure of SEO campaigns? Most SEO companies do not divulge the reasons behind the failure by stating that SEO is too complicated to be understood by the client and hence, they need not share the real reasons. The fact is that they cannot tell reasons because most of the time they do not have a clue regarding how SEO works. And even if they do know the reason, they won't tell their client because it will reveal their shortcomings.

Most of the times, the reason behind the failure of a SEO campaign are very apparent.

Poorly designed SEO campaign: Majority of SEO campaigns are doomed from the very onset. The SEO consultant fails to deploy correct SEO techniques. SEO companies do not conduct an in-depth analysis of the industry, market and targeted audience before planning a SEO campaign. SEO consultants just plan a cookie cutter approach to all clients across a whole spectrum of industries. They do not acknowledge the fact that each company has its own peculiarities which have to be taken in to account while designing and planning a SEO campaign. Lack of keyword research and traffic analysis also results in disastrous SEO campaigns.

Inconsistent SEO and short term SEO campaigns: Many SEO consultants fail to see the benefit of a consistent SEO campaign. Their SEO campaigns start and stop in fits and starts. SEO companies and clients - both share the blame. SEO companies under pressure to get more clients promise great results in a short span of time. Anyone who understands SEO knows that this is not how SEO works. Many clients need quick results which force a SEO company to accept unrealistic deadlines. When desired results do not materialize, SEO campaigns stops dead on its track. Another SEO campaign bites the dust and another disillusioned SEO client.

Some SEO clients have the belief that SEO is a one time activity. They discontinue a campaign after securing a position. They do not take in to account that competitors must also have their SEO campaigns in place and will soon catch up. SEO is a long drawn affair which needs lot of time for planning and executing. And still more time for search engines to recognize and evaluate these SEO efforts.

Lack of knowledge & experience: A new trend is emerging. Directory submitters and link builders whose experience just involved browsing sites and sending link exchange requests think that they know SEO enough to be called SEO consultants. There would have been no problem but for the fact that they do not even know the basic concepts of SEO. Needless to tell, these "SEO consultants" charge lot less than genuine & experienced SEO consultants. SEO clients lured by such attractive rates, hire them thinking that they have made a great deal. Of course, few months down the line they watch in despair as their website, money and time go down the drain in front of their eyes.

Enovabiz Solutions is a professional Dallas Internet Marketing Firm offering SEO consultancy throughout USA. Our SEO Company provides a wide array of SEO Services and online marketing. For exclusive Search Engine Optimization Services, contact us now. Our SEO packages suit every budget and business.

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